SubSite Tiles Add-in for SharePoint
Automatically creates navigation for a Parent site and its Subsites in a touch-friendly tile display.
SubSite Tiles automatically provides security-trimmed navigation for your Subsites and Parent Site, displaying each one as a touch-friendly tile. By touching or clicking on a tile, any user can easily navigate to the subsites they use on SharePoint.
Simply add the SubSite Tiles Add-in Part to any page and it auto-generates a Clickable Tile for each subsite as well as the Parent Site. Comes with pre-set Tile images or you can use your own.

Automated and
Easy to Integrate
The Add-in is extremely intuitive and does not require any complicated user input to implement. After the installation on your site collection, SubSite Tiles can be added as an Add-in to any page at any site level and it automatically compiles links for the site where it is added and all sites below it, providing a visual and touch-friendly navigation experience that is perfect for the site home page. Uses the familiar out-of-the-box SharePoint interface to edit. SubSite Tiles dynamically adds new tiles as new subsites are added to the site collection, and uses existing security trimming for their display.

Larger, visually distinctive tiles make navigating subsites much easier on mobile devices. Tiles are easier to use on touch-based screens. Allows you to use the familiar desktop interface to access SharePoint from your mobile or tablet (i.e., they can use 'PC view' rather than the more limited 'mobile view').

A Visual
Tile-Based Display
Our Add-in gives site owners and admins a quick and easy way of presenting subsites in a more visual and user-friendly format. Themed, image-based tiles help users create visual associations of which subsites lead where, speeding up navigation. The larger clickable Tile format makes it easier and quicker to navigate even without a touch interface requirement, providing a more interesting and visually appealing SharePoint user experience. Images used for Tile backgrounds can be replaced with your own, more meaningful images by way of the Tile Image Library that is included with the Add-in.

Simple Setup
Setting up SubSite Tiles is a quick and easy process. It is deployed on a site collection in a single five-minute installation. It can be uninstalled just as easily. Activate on a site-by-site basis, since control is at the site admin level. Once the Add-in is added to the site collection, site owners create an instance using the Add-in template just as they do for other Add-ins, then they can add it to any page where they would like it to display.
It dynamically generates security-trimmed navigation Tiles to your subsites and also up to the site immediately above. In keeping with the security model used throughout SharePoint, our Add-in displays Tiles only for the sites that the current user has permission to access. Add the Add-in to all your sites to provide quick and easy visual (and touch-friendly) navigation without needing to maintain new links as you add more subsites to your collection.

SubSite Tiles allows users to choose from the included images or upload tiles that match their corporate look and feel. Using your own images is as simple as adding items to a list: Any image that is 150px x 100px and .png format will work. On hover, SubSite Tiles displays additional information about the site on an overlay over the background image that automatically matches the color theme of your site, similar to the behaviour used in out-of-the-box SharePoint Add-in such as Promoted Links.

Technical Details
Displays an unlimited number of subsites
Can be added within a site collection as often as you like
Supports rows up to 6 tiles long, and creates a new row automatically.
Image size and format requirements: .png image file format; 150px by 100px size.
Customizable by end-user.
Retains Site Security Trimming (only displays tiles for the sites that a user has permission to access).
Compatible with: SharePoint 2013 and 2016 or O365.